How to Calculate the Value of a Click in PPC?

How to Calculate the Value of a Click in PPC

Bids and budgets should not be set on whims and feelings, as this isn’t a game. This might be the reason why most new advertisers are a bit scared when they have to give bids and set budgets as they often feel arbitrary. PPC advertising is the incredible amount of control you have by being […]

What is the meaning of a Universal App Campaign?

Universal App Campaign

A Universal App campaigns will allow you to promote your mobile application on any platform such as Google Search Results, the Display Network, Google Play Store, and YouTube. Although they may sound big and difficult, these app campaigns are actually among the easiest to set up and manage. The advertisements are automatically designed to suit […]

How to Setup Ads on Google Display Network – Part 2

It is possible to target users on the Google Display Network in more than one way. They are broken down into two main categories. You can either target by the content they are consuming or based on who they are.  Target Users by Content Placement Targeting, Contextual Targeting and Targeting Topics are examples of this […]

How to Setup Ads on Google Display Network – Part 1

While using Google Ads, the steps to be followed for setting up a display campaign is similar to that for search. Once you are familiar with the Google AdWords Editor, the desktop tool that Google provides for managing your campaigns offline, you can use it to create a new campaign in a few steps.  But […]

Introduction to Google Display Advertising

When you opt for Google Display Campaigns, you would be able to place your ad on more than two million websites and 650,000 apps within the Google Display Network. This makes it an extremely powerful tool for reaching potential customers as well as a potentially dangerous one. While search advertising is limited to people actively […]

Easy Steps on Adding a Shopping Ad to Your Campaign

shopping ads

Google offers a different ad type triggered by a search called a product listing ad (PLA). They are triggered by terms searched for by users at the bottom of the funnel and are ready to buy. Users are searching for keywords specifying a particular product. For this reason, PLA ads are more similar to product […]

How To Write and Test Your Ad Creative?

write and test ads

Because of the way the Google ad auction works, engaging ads are a critical component. If you can produce ads that are more engaging than your competitors, and meet the other criteria for Quality Score, you will pay less per click than them for the same ad position.  Targeting, as explained in the previous lesson, […]

How to add keywords to an Ad Group? – Part 2

keyword groups

While more keywords do not necessarily mean more potential reach, more roots and attributes do. There is a potential pitfall. Launching your campaign with four root keywords for your product, as broad modifier, has the possibility of having your ads shown with every possible attribute for those words. It’s a bad idea. Here’s why. Our […]

How to add keywords to an Ad Group?

keyword groups

If you’ve read our previous post, you now know about the three different types of keyword lists. Now, let’s dissect these three lists in order to form keywords and organize them into groups. Each of these groups become our ad groups.  In the previous lesson, we used the Google Ads Keyword Planner to generate three […]

How to conduct successful keyword research?

keyword research

Keywords are an essential part of the online browsing realm. They drive your business to the top of a SERP (search engine results page). Our previous Academy blog posts have already covered keyword Research topics. This post will talk about how to identify relevant keywords effectively. Our post on the decision-making funnel crafted the journey […]