Multi-Touch Conversions

What are multi-touch conversions

In our PPC strategy, we talked about how there are multiple conversion points in a typical sales funnel. In this section, we go a step further by look at multi-channel conversions. We also look at other important touch points along a clients sales journey, like your homepage. In addition to all this, we will also […]

Quick Steps on Building Effective Keyword Lists

keyword lists

There are 1 billion users on the internet! Not all of these people would be interested in your business. So how would you pinpoint your perfect user? Likewise, with 1 billion websites, how does your perfect user find your product or service? In our previous section, we discussed keyword research that targets users with the […]

Universal App Campaigns

Universal App Campaign

As the number of mobile phone users increase daily, so do the number of apps and games they install on their phones. We’re sure you’ve seen advertisements in apps while using them. It’s one of the fastest growing advertising platforms available – and we’re going to show you how you can use it to your […]

PPC Strategy

Before you can go about creating your PPC strategy and advertising campaign, there are a few concepts that you need to be aware of. For example, it helps to understand the typical sales funnel and how it works. Also, once potential lead enters this funnel, what does the decision process look like? In this section […]

How To Bring Back Lost Users Through Remarketing?


You can set up a specific remarketing campaign, that will be targeted towards bringing back your users into the sales funnels. Several PPC platforms offer it. In this method, you target a list of users on certain conditions you make and define. These lists can be targeted in a separate ad group with their own […]

How Important is a Homepage in a Sales Funnel?

How important is a homepage in a sales funnel

How Important is a Homepage in a Sales Funnel? When driving users to a dedicated landing page, using specific targeting, you are taking them on a path that you dictate. Since this user doesn’t know your service, product or website yet, they need to be led. Users that enter your sales funnel often leave for […]

What are multi-touch conversions?

Multi touch conversions

Until now we’ve been discussing the user journey as being a trip that is taken down your sales funnel from start to finish, suggesting that if a user leaves, you’ve lost them. In reality, the user journey is more complex than that. Most users that purchase do so after leaving the sales funnel and coming […]

A Quick Guide to Conversion Optimizer

conversion optimizer

Accurately setting bids, then adjusting for dimensions requires having a mathematical aptitude that most of us might not possess. Fortunately, there is a conversion optimizer. Before we dive deep into how a conversion optimizer works, we’re going to stress on the fact that it won’t do all the work for you, at least not in […]

What is the meaning of Campaign Budgeting in Google Ads?

campaign budgeting

Google Ads lets you divide your ad groups into campaigns each with their own settings and budgets. This gives you added control, as well as a safety net. You can specify a limit on how much your campaign can spend in your campaign budgets. By doing so, you can control the amount you’re losing as […]

What Is The Meaning of Device Bid Adjustments?

A Quick Guide to Conversion Optimizer

Google reports on conversion rate variations for devices on the keyword level but only lets you adjust on the campaign and ad group level. If you find that clicks from tablets have half the conversion rate than clicks from a desktop, you’ll want to set tablets to have a 50% lower bid adjustment.   Let’s talk […]