Micro & Macro Conversions in the Sales Funnel Process

macro and micro conversion

One reason why online marketing is revolutionary to the world of advertising is because you can find out the degree of click certainty. This is accomplished by tracking and measuring performances down your sales funnel. Tracking is instrumental in pay-per-click advertising. Pay-per-click advertising requires you to set a price you are willing to pay for […]

Easy Steps on Creating a Decision-Making Funnel

macro and micro conversion

Everyone has purchased something in their life. But, does anyone remember the sales process? In the previous Creometric Academy article, we’ve described a simplified sales funnel process.  This article will explain the decision-making funnel – the process a person partakes in order to make a sales decision. Users that see your ads and enter your […]

A short glimpse into the working of a Sales Funnel

A short glimpse into the working of a Sales Funnel

There are more than one billion users on the web browsing one billion websites. Your PPC ads can entice some of these users to click. It is at that moment that they decide to stop whatever they are doing, and embark on a journey down the path that leads to your website, and hopefully conversion. […]

What is the best PPC strategy to adopt?

What is the best PPC strategy to adopt

Launching a campaign is easy. However, just because you do it, doesn’t mean it works. You need a strategy. Platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook have made it so that anyone can use them. An Ads account can be created in a few clicks and launched by following their step by step process. This […]

Display Advertising

display advertising

Display advertising is also called banner advertising. This is because you can design a sales-oriented banner with a commercial message. The banner contains the company logo, text, photographs, graphics and even videos.   This banner is then published over display advertising tools. The users targeted are those who fit a particular requirement trait. Display advertising brings […]

Search Advertising

Search Advertising

You proably didn’t know this, but search engines such as Google are a great place to advertise. Millions of people are searching for millions of things all the time. Why shouldn’t your product or service be right up there? In this section, we dive deep into search advertising and how you can use it to […]

The different types of PPC platforms and channels

The different types of PPC platforms and channels

There are fundamental differences between the user’s state of mind. This is dependent on whether they are responding to an ad after conducting a search, browsing a website, watching a video, or viewing an ad on social media. Let’s explore the various types of PPC advertising methods. There are mainly two major types of advertisements […]

What is Pay Per Click

PPC Overview

Pay-per-click or PPC is simple to understand. It is a concept of paid advertising where you as the advertiser, pays for every click that leads a customer or client to your website or web page. You only pay for the clicks coming to your website. This is via the ads that you place over the […]

PPC Overview

What is pay per click

One of the corner stones of paid online advertising is Pay Per Click Campaigns or PPC. It is a concept where you as an advertiser, pays for every click that leads a potential customer or client to your website or landing page. By creating an effective PPC campaign, you can have a high return on […]

Importance of Internal Links for SEO

importance of internal linking for SEO

How do Internal Links help SEO? Internal linking contributes to the usability and search engine friendliness of a website in the following ways: Whether text links or image links, internal linking creates an internal navigation system in a precise way. This helps both users and search engines find relevant and complementary content. If utilized in […]