All You Need To Know About PPC Keywords

All You Need To Know About PPC Keywords

All You Need To Know About PPC Keywords Once you’ve created your ad campaign, it’s time to create one or more ad groups with – keywords, ads, and PPC Keywords. But before we move on to that, let’s understand what are the different keyword match types. This will help you understand the relationship between the […]

Search Campaign Basics – Delivery Methods and Bidding Options

bidding options

Once your campaign budget is set, the next step is to choose your delivery method. If your campaign is running with a small budget that is limiting its impressions, you should set it to standard ad delivery as opposed to accelerated delivery. Accelerated ad delivery will show your ads every time an ad wins an […]

The Easiest Way To Set a Budget in Search Campaigns

The Easiest Way To Set a Budget in Search Campaigns

Your campaign budget is made up of the average amount you want to spend each day. Don’t be alarmed if you overspend a bit for a particular day as Google compensates you for that later. The amount you set as your initial daily budget should be based on the amount, you’re willing to invest in […]

Sneak Peek into Search Campaign’s Location & Language Settings

Sneak Peek into Search Campaigns Location and Language Settings

‘Location Settings’ is where you choose the geographical area where you want your ads to appear. By default, your ads will target users outside of the specified area you are targeting if the search term includes the name of the location you are targeting. For example, if you are advertising a dance academy in Bangalore, […]

Throwing a Spotlight on Search Campaign Settings

Search Campaign Settings

The search campaign creation page asks a series of questions to create the initial settings for the campaign. These settings can be changed at a later time. Each setting has a question mark that displays a tool-tip when you hover over it. This comes in handy in the case where you need to be reminded […]

Quick Steps on Creating a Google Search Campaign

google search campaign

A Google search campaign is a set of ad groups that are used to target users on Google’s search engine. Each campaign is centred on achieving a specific set of marketing goals. Goals can be set for generating traffic, garnering leads or conversion. At least one campaign needs to be created before ads are created. […]

How Does PPC Advertising Work?

How Does PPC Advertising Work

How Does PPC Advertising Work? Google Ads search campaigns are used to either drive traffic to your website, make phone calls to your business, or increase mobile app installs. When you launch a search campaign, you are showing users ads that respond to their particular desire which is expressed by the search term they enter […]

How to set your PPC budget effectively?

How to set your PPC budget effectively

To understand your Value per Click – a vital factor for determining a bid that makes your campaign profitable; you need statistics to act on. The moment your campaigns go live, people start clicking and the statistics start coming in. For these statistics to be actionable, they need to be significant. Essentially, you need to […]

The Easiest and Best Way to Use A Landing Page

The Easiest and Best Way to Use A Landing Page

Online marketers mistakenly assume that the homepage is the entry point to their website. Practically, it is the entry point. But there needs to be better planning when a landing page is designed. There needs to be coherence between what a user is searching for, what they see on the ad, and what they are […]

Keys Steps in A Lead Generation Funnel

Keys Steps in A Lead Generation Funnel

If the business you’re promoting is a service, then chances are a sale happening at your sales funnel will be offline. The goal of the landing page with this type of funnel is to capture a sales lead which will be a truly qualified offline one. Here, the micro-conversions can lead to a ‘house being […]