Time For The Creative Industry to Befriend Data? Part II
In our last blog post about whether it is time for the creative industry to befriend data, we told you all about how data can help you connect to the right audience as well as stay relevant. If you were convinced but are still wondering if using analytics means the end of creativity, let us […]
Time For The Creative Industry to Befriend Data? Part I
In a data-driven world, the creative use of data can imply building sustainable relationships with the right audience, creating customer loyalty, improving brand visibility, staying competitive, and even staying creative! The importance of data in the creative industry may not be immediately obvious, but let us tell you how befriending data can take even a […]
Content vs. Design: Does One Come First?
In the world of digital marketing, perhaps one of the biggest chicken-and-egg debates is that of content versus design. So what does comes first, design or content? Here’s our take on this battle for precedence! Those in favour of the design-first approach would argue that planning design before content helps streamline writing through constraints. Could […]
Moment Marketing: Making It Work For Your Brand
Moment marketing works great if the brand knows and understands its audiences’ emotions and expectations. It is important to marry ‘content with context’ and be the brand that has its pulse on what’s cool and relevant. How can brands take a trending moment and use it to effectively reinforce their brand proposition in such a […]
Moment Marketing: The Right Ad At The Right Time
‘Moment marketing’ seems to be the new buzzword among the marketing sector with brands all over leveraging every opportunity to associate with trending moments by cashing in on memorable moments. According to Brand Equity, moment marketing refers to the brand’s ability to take advantage of real-time events to deliver spontaneous, and relevant as well as […]