Struggling with blog ideas? These tips are for you
If you’re the kind of person who is looking to up their content game by blogging daily, or you work with a company that requires you to come up with regular blog posts, you may find yourself in a pickle. Every now and then, chances are you run into a bit of a creative block, […]
Here are some tips to help generate interactive content ideas
Content writing is being used as a marketing strategy by more and more businesses. Hence, the market is getting saturated. Due to this, there is a huge struggle to write diverse and engaging content. Interactive content is one of the most effective ways to achieve unique content. Let’s get down to the basics: What is Interactive […]
Get paid to write! Here are 5 ways to earn money from your blog
Long before the world got locked in due to COVID-19, writers (especially freelancers) have been looking for a way to earn money from writing. In fact, even non-writers looking for an alternate revenue stream have been curious about how they can make money with nothing more than a laptop, an internet connection, and a little […]
Need help choosing the best Social Media for Business? Here’s how you do it
In this day and age, it’s highly improbable that you’re not on some form of social media. Maybe not professionally for your business, but definitely personally – right? Well, either way, if your business is on social media or not, you’ve probably asked yourself whether or not you are on the right track, have you […]
Maximise the benefits of social media for business with these tips
Given the current situation in the world right now, there is a large cloud of uncertainty hovering above our heads. CoViD19 has cast a shadow of doubt on a number of international economies, India included, with thousands of small and medium businesses wondering if and how they are going to recover from the tremendous losses […]
Curious about blog writing? Here’s a quick guide to the basics
Writing a blog is useful for promoting and growing brand awareness. Blog writing is crucial when it comes to retaining customers. Blogs also help with lead generation and sales. To be good at writing blogs you need to have a strong understanding of the basics. So let’s get started: Planning Knowing and understanding your target audience […]
Need help with writing? Try these easy Content Writing Tools
There are many different types of writing used to convey different aims and meanings. Hence, content writing is a demanding task. As a blogger, you need to be flexible and ready to try different hats. The competition is so intense that you need to write at least 3 to 6 articles per week. These articles […]
If your company was affected by COVID-19, invest in Social Media Marketing
No one could have imagined or predicted the impact a global pandemic such as COVID-19 could have on the economy – except for maybe Bill Gates in his famous TedTalk back in 2015. A recent report by SEO industry leader SEMrush, outlined the economic impact of Coronavirus on the global economy, with attention to specific […]
Types of Content You Can Use To Up Your Content Marketing Strategy
Writing different types of content helps you connect with different audiences. In order to reach a larger audience, you need to add different types of content to your content marketing armoury. It is also important to engage in Effective Content Promotion and understand How to effectively promote your content for better business gains. Here is […]
How does content writing work? 3-5 tips on How to Be a Good Content Writer
If you want to know how to become a content writer? Or, what is the role of a content writer? This blog will help answer your questions. Let us start with the basics of content writing first. What is Content Writing? Content writing is collating pieces of information, or opinions for which you conduct research […]