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5 Fresh Email Marketing Tips To Get Your Sales Registers Ringing

Email marketing isn’t primitive. It has been relevant and will continue to be so. We never stopped believing in the power of email marketing. It has worked for some clients of ours, while it did not work for some.

Email continues to be the darling of marketers worldwide. A recent statistic by Oberlo suggests that on an average close to 294 billion emails are already sent and received each day. 9 out of 10 digital marketers still opt for email marketing for content outreach.

Email marketing generates sales, and that’s why it is so important to get it right. We tap into its power regularly to help small businesses to garner top quality leads. Email marketing is also industry independent.

Every client we worked with for email marketing has asked for ‘increase in sales’ as a metric. And with ‘metric’ inside ‘Creometric,’ we had to oblige.

Let’s dive right into some fresh email marketing tips for increasing sales numbers, about which not many will tell you. These are tried and tested ideas that have served our long-term clientele.

Email Marketing Tip #1 – Audience

If you don’t know who your audience is, your sales slump is guaranteed. Your email subscriber’s list needs to be your target audience. The email that goes to them should be relevant. Keep in mind that every subscriber is different, as well. We have noticed that getting your target audience setup first can lead to a probable revenue 15 times more than just sending it to a vague audience.

To ensure your emails don’t get ignored, segment them well. This also lets you divide your list into smaller ones. Personal preferences and time of sending (yeah, it matters too), enables you to personalize every segmented email.

Let’s take an example. Suppose you are selling personalized products online, and want to know if your email subscribers prefer photo frames or a personalized cup. An easy way would be to shoot an email survey to email addresses of website visitors. Once their feedback is recorded, turn this data into segmented email lists with specific content. Job done!

Email Marketing Tip #2 – Consistency

Everybody hates spammers. Nobody wants sales mailers being pushy to hit the ‘Buy Now’ button. A good email marketing strategy or tip is to send out REGULAR mails to your subscribers.

Your competitor will not think about doing that regularly for whatever reasons. But you need to send out mails on a regular basis because you have been subscribed by the audience.

The ones who have not subscribed to you don’t want emails from you, and hence will flag your mails as spam.

Consistency also includes keeping the mails short. We consider Open Rates good but ‘Engagement Rate’ as better. Email content or email messages need to be concise, clear, and should lead to an action.

No hard selling. Just soft nudges. If you want them to visit your website mention in brief why they should do that.

CREO TIP – Address their pain points, give a statistic and serve a solution

Also, keeping it short matches the size of their device (smartphones). “Go mobile” has been shouted over rooftops since 2010. Everyone is reading emails over their phones, the moment the notifications hit their handset home screen. It’s like an addiction to keep checking your devices the moment you hear that ‘ting’.

Take advantage of that. And your audience doesn’t have much time. Deliver an appetiser that makes them order the main course J

Bullet points, singular CTA, soft coloured mailer designs, etc. all work.

Email Marketing Tip #3 – Personalization

Leverage the power of personalization to make your email recipients feel special. As per our experience handling email marketing for small businesses, personalized emails tend to work nearly 25% better than generic ones.

Use first name’s in the subject line, add a GIF in the body, and everything that can help you convert the prospect into a lead and finally sales.

The subject needs to be transparent and non-gimmicky. The better the subject line, the higher the Open Rate.

Email Marketing Tip #4 – Test Away

A/B split testing is like the extra cheese of online marketing. No guesswork is needed here, making sure your email marketing technique is working.

Split your email audience into multiple segments and test it out. Show it to a colleague in the office or test a demo variant on a friend. Testing the segmented audience improves the overall output of your email marketing campaign.

Split testing helps you determine the best subject line, clearer email copy, remove clutter, and check how fast the inner elements take to load. You can also test the best day of the week the email works.

Wondering What Content Works Best for Emails? Click Here To Understand Content Types

Email Marketing Tip #5 – Design

The next email marketing tip concerns designing a landing page. It is important that you embed email marketing into your sales funnel, after all, it is sales that you are after.

The traffic from your email clicks need to be diverted to a place where the closure can happen. A dedicated landing page needs to be designed with a strong headline and a supportive sub-headline.

Add relevant images or video to the landing page for value. Testimonials, partner logos, success numbers etc. leave a lasting impact on the prospective customer.


If you find email marketing confusing or hard to implement, our dedicated team can set up a FREE consultation.

Click on the ‘BRIGHT YELLOW BUTTON’ below and contact us to know how!

Also, if you are a Business looking to PARTNER, Freelancer looking to WORK WITH US, or just interested in knowing more about what cool things we do, go to CREOMETRIC.COM

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Frequently Asked Questions about Blogs in Business

Search Engine Optimization in Goa
What topics should I write about in my business blog?

 Focus on topics that align with your business and provide value to your target audience. Address common pain points, answer frequently asked questions, share industry insights, and showcase your expertise. It’s about providing useful content that your audience will find relevant.

Use a conversational tone, include visuals (images, infographics), and break up text with subheadings and bullet points. Encourage reader interaction through comments and social media. Incorporate storytelling and real-world examples to make your content relatable.


Utilize social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to promote your blog posts. Engage with online communities related to your industry, collaborate with influencers, and consider paid advertising to expand your reach.

Regularly read industry blogs, follow thought leaders on social media, and attend relevant conferences or webinars. Stay informed about changes in SEO algorithms, content marketing strategies, and emerging trends in your industry.