In a buyer’s journey, a landing page is that intermediate stage where a potential customer acquired through a lead is one step away from becoming an actual one. To have a landing page that succeeds in converting and making the transition happen is crucial in your marketing campaign, and can make or even break it.
But designing a great landing page that brings you conversions is not rocket science. It may take a little time and thought in order to find that golden mean between great UI and great UX i.e. aesthetics vs. functionality, but it is feasible. In fact, it can even be brought down to a simple checklist and we’ve decided to draw up one up for you.
A great headline that grabs your visitors’ attention
Engaging visual content that speaks for your product
A single clear and powerful Call-To-Action that stands out
A simple and short form
A focus on your unique value proposition
Short and concise copy that is simple and drives the point home.
Testimonials as social proof for the value of your product
Copy that triggers emotions: a reminder of pain followed by desire and motivation
Flawless grammar and spelling
A clear method of contact
Make sure your landing page checks all these criteria and conversions will come your way. You can also use A/B testing to see what works best for your target audience as landing pages. At the end of the day, your landing page must be designed in terms of what works best for your target users.
If you found this checklist useful or would like to tell us about your experience with landing pages, we would love to hear from you. And if you’re looking for a digital marketing company and web design agency in Goa that not only curates online marketing campaigns but also designs landing pages that convert, get in touch with us.