Listings Local business listings (on Google it is called Places for Business) allow businesses to have a presence which stands out from the rest of the organic results. This distinction is based on many factors that Google takes into consideration (e.g., if the search term indicates an intention by the searcher to find a local business).
When you list your business on a local listing, you make important information accessible to search engines, such as user ratings, business location, categories of relevant businesses and so on.
The Local Business listing not only includes a link connecting to the homepage of the business, but it also makes information accessible to search engines, such as user ratings, business location, categories of business, etc.
There are many factors that Google takes into consideration, most of which are not publicly known, when assigning rankings to local results. One such factor is the rating that a business or business location has received from Google users–naturally the better the reviews, the better the rankings (generally).
Google (and other search engines to a certain extent) utilize other signals such as local citations, and proximity to the city center when it comes to local rankings. One way to further help rankings is to have positive reviews and star ratings from clients who rank the company on Google. Google also considers ratings from other sites such as Yelp, which also increases ranking.