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5 Assured Steps for Effective Guest Blogging


Guest posting is useful. There are no two ways about it. It has, however, changed in recent times. Gaining results via guest blogging differs from building a niche.

The following five steps will garner results via guest blogging.

Step 1 – Write a guest bio

Before hunting for guest posts to contribute to, work a strong bio. The bio must be quirky, and action-oriented. Introduce yourself, but don’t be too pushy. Research the bios of other writers to see how unique they are. Try adding links to it (if possible).

The guest post author’s bio must reflect his/her personality. It should give a reason for the posts’ audience to click on the link. Be original and interesting.

Step 2 – Find your guest blogging target

Target only those posts that will fetch your website with backlinks. 

Finding Viable Guest Blogging Targets

Before you start your guest posting campaign, make sure your efforts are going to pay off. You should find viable targets for guest posting – blogs and resources with backlinks that will increase the authority of your website and bring you traffic and potential clients.

You cannot just go around randomly offering to write for different blogs. You need to take into account whether they accept posts, what their niche is, and whether they are an authority in their field.

There are dozens of tactics aimed at it. For example, Passive Marketing claims that one of the most effective ways of finding the guest posting targets it uses is, ironically, making it widely known that you accept guest posts yourself.

Action Item

Find blogs that accept guest posts and suit your niche. You can do it in a variety of ways:

  • Google search strings
  • Already existing target lists (sorted by niche)
  • Author Bios in your niche
  • Blog comments
  • And many others

Step 3 – Reaching out

Sometimes guest posts appear after somebody reaches out to you and asks for one. Yet, sit in one place and wait for somebody to come, and you are going to wait very long Important blogs are very unlikely to ask people around like this. This means you have to reach out to bloggers, administrators and webmasters on your own.

Kate Erickson from EOFire provides an interesting case study based on her own experience, providing insights into what you should do to persuade important bloggers to publish your posts. There is also lots of other advice on how to approach this stage, for example, be actively engaged in networking or promote your own brand.

Action Item

Actively reach out to the bloggers you’ve chosen in the following manner:

  • Interact with the blog so that they know you
  • Clearly define the blog’s topic and the kind of content they publish
  • Analyze the blog’s style
  • Brainstorm the ideas and titles for your posts
  • Suggest writing a guest post, with the ideas and titles ready. 

Step 4 – Preparing a Sales’ Pitch

Via mail

Be honest with yourself. When you reach out to a blog and ask them to publish your post, it means that you need them, whereas they can do without you. If you are dealing with big authority blogs (and what’s the point of it otherwise?), you’ll have to deal with some serious sales resistance.

Mary Jaksch, chief editor of Write to Done, deals with a lot of pitches in her line of work, and in this excellent post, she enumerates the tricks she uses herself and finds them attractive when used by others.

Action Item

Approach each blog individually. Be respectful yet confident. Focus your letters on what the blogger you are talking to needs, not what you need. Make it short and snappy.

Step 5 – Promote Your Posts

The fact that a post is published doesn’t mean that your job is done. On the contrary – you have to do a lot to squeeze as much out of it as possible, both for your own benefit and to improve your standing with the blogger.

Jawad Khan recounts an experience with a guest post that brought many more social shares and comments simply because the author actively promoted it via social media. It resulted in greater benefits for all concerned and an altogether different attitude from the blog’s team.

Action Item

Make sure to draw traffic towards your guest post – from your own blog, from your social media accounts. Promote the post by answering comments – in other words, do everything to show how great you are as a guest blogger.

Opinions on guest posting as a promotion strategy vary from “complete rubbish” to “the best way to draw traffic your way”. Some of these opinions are personal preferences; but in the long run, how well it is going to work for you is only determined by how well you understand it. Hopefully, these tips will help you.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Blogs in Business

Search Engine Optimization in Goa
What topics should I write about in my business blog?

 Focus on topics that align with your business and provide value to your target audience. Address common pain points, answer frequently asked questions, share industry insights, and showcase your expertise. It’s about providing useful content that your audience will find relevant.

Use a conversational tone, include visuals (images, infographics), and break up text with subheadings and bullet points. Encourage reader interaction through comments and social media. Incorporate storytelling and real-world examples to make your content relatable.


Utilize social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to promote your blog posts. Engage with online communities related to your industry, collaborate with influencers, and consider paid advertising to expand your reach.

Regularly read industry blogs, follow thought leaders on social media, and attend relevant conferences or webinars. Stay informed about changes in SEO algorithms, content marketing strategies, and emerging trends in your industry.