The Formula To A Balanced Relationship Between Math, Magic & Marketing

Forget Mad Men, according to Forbes Magazine, today’s marketers have become more of math men (and women).  They buy and use dazzling new softwares and tools, plunge through the deepest pits of Big Data and resurface with return on investment’s (ROI) on every campaign.  While their pursuits are laudable to a point, the trouble occurs once they start leaving the human factor out of the equation. Humans are, after all, pesky by nature. Our ability to make decisions with our heads as well as our hearts can’t simply be measured, or predicted by, data. Which is precisely why marketers need to build a magical emotional bond with their target audience through compelling messages and indelible images.  Back in the primitive times, before technology hijacked the marketing scene, it primarily succeeded because it was viewed as an art form. Advertising campaigns were enacted in a way to imprint the product or brand onto the midst of its customers and believe that it can be used to fulfill a need, solve an underlying issue, or satisfy a desire. Their stories were spun in such a way that they would either make the audience laugh, pluck a heartstring, or imprint a memorable image. Marketing tactics that ignore this mysterious combination and rely solely on algorithms and math will be marketing tactics that don’t work. So is there a way to meld the calculations and canvases and adopt the artful science approach to leverage the benefits of both?
  • Spend on digital marketing vehicles to reach the maximum audience.
  • Continuously study the analytics reports and applying intuition to create a more effective marketing campaign.
  • Own the magic of marketing and use it to your advantage to create engaging stories that build emotional connections with your target audience.
  • Invest in appropriate talent and tools that perfectly combine creativity with software.
  • Create a single point of view of the customer through collaboration between IT, marketing, and other organizational functions that lead to an overall plan that profits everyone.
In the ever-changing world of marketing and consumer behavior, be brave enough to try something new rather than simply relying on traditional marketing methods. At its best, this kind of marketing will pop and dazzle, just like magic.